I thought I'd share some of my artworks from July with you.
Blood Moon
Forever Summer
Thanks for viewing,
Brenda xx
Image credits:
The Gift
Model - MariaAmanda
Background (top half) - AshenSorrow
Background (foreground) - arca-stock
Raven - Ingrid Taylar
Heart - Elevit-Stock
Texture - Pareeerica
Brushes - Scully7491
Model - faestock
Foreground - compot-stock
Mountains 1 - resurgere
Mountains 2 - Lee Orr
Fractal - ElaineSeleneStock
Light brushes - SkeletalMess
Fog brushes - BBs-Brushe
Other resources are my own.
Foreground - compot-stock
Mountains 1 - resurgere
Mountains 2 - Lee Orr
Fractal - ElaineSeleneStock
Light brushes - SkeletalMess
Fog brushes - BBs-Brushe
Other resources are my own.
Model - Liam-Stock
Mountain & lake - Kuoma-stock
Sky - needanewname
Grass (no longer available) - phatpuppy
Light brushes - SkeletalMess
Mountain & lake - Kuoma-stock
Sky - needanewname
Grass (no longer available) - phatpuppy
Light brushes - SkeletalMess
Blood Moon
Model - Marcus Ranum
Foreground - Lady-symphonia-stock
Moon, sky - wyldraven
Castle - AshenSorrow
Tree - Painted on My Soul - PNG Tubes
Foreground - Lady-symphonia-stock
Moon, sky - wyldraven
Castle - AshenSorrow
Tree - Painted on My Soul - PNG Tubes
Model - Marcus Ranum
Background - vampirekingdom
bird - Sophie-Y
Clouds - koko-stock
Fractal - ElaineSeleneStock
Light brushes - SkeletalMess
Fog brushes - BBs-Brushe
Star brushes - KeepWaiting
Background - vampirekingdom
bird - Sophie-Y
Clouds - koko-stock
Fractal - ElaineSeleneStock
Light brushes - SkeletalMess
Fog brushes - BBs-Brushe
Star brushes - KeepWaiting
Forever Summer
Model - Marcus Ranum
Flower Field - koko-stock
Lens flares - Andrei Oprinca
Butterflies - 1 & 2 - madetobeunique
Monarch Butterfly & Cloud Brushes - PNG Tubes
Light brushes - SkeletalMess
Elf ear - emmytonks
Flower Field - koko-stock
Lens flares - Andrei Oprinca
Butterflies - 1 & 2 - madetobeunique
Monarch Butterfly & Cloud Brushes - PNG Tubes
Light brushes - SkeletalMess
Elf ear - emmytonks